
Investing should be easy – just buy low and sell high – but most of us have trouble following that simple advice. There are principles and strategies that may enable you to put together an investment portfolio that reflects your risk tolerance, time horizon, and goals. Understanding these principles and strategies can help you avoid some of the pitfalls that snare some investors.

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The Fed and How It Got That Way

The Fed and How It Got That Way

Here is a quick history of the Federal Reserve and an overview of what it does.

Risk Perspective

Risk Perspective

Is it possible to avoid loss? Not entirely, but you can attempt to manage risk.

Where Is the Market Headed?

Where Is the Market Headed?

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Inflation and the Real Rate of Return

Learn about the role of inflation when considering your portfolio’s rate of return with this helpful article.

Global vs. International: What’s the Difference?

International funds invest in non-U.S. markets, while global funds may invest in U.S. stocks alongside non-U.S. stocks.

The ABCs of Zero Coupon Bonds

Understanding some basic concepts may help you assess whether zero-coupon bonds have a place in your portfolio.

Investing for Impact

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This fun piece can help your clients explore the benefits of impact investing versus founding a philanthropy.

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Affluent investors face unique challenges when putting together an investment strategy. Make sure you keep these in mind.

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What Is the Dividend Yield?

This calculator helps determine your pre-tax and after-tax dividend yield on a particular stock.

How Compound Interest Works

Use this calculator to better see the potential impact of compound interest on an asset.

Saving for College

This calculator can help you estimate how much you should be saving for college.

What Is My Risk Tolerance?

This questionnaire will help determine your tolerance for investment risk.

Taxable vs. Tax-Deferred Savings

Use this calculator to compare the future value of investments with different tax consequences.

Impact of Taxes and Inflation

Estimate the potential impact taxes and inflation can have on the purchasing power of an investment.

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What Can a Million Dollars Buy You?

$1 million in a diversified portfolio could help finance part of your retirement.

Should I Invest in Gold?

Learning more about gold and its history may help you decide whether it has a place in your portfolio.

Where Is the Market Headed?

We all know the stock market can be unpredictable. We all want to know, “What’s next for the financial markets?”

Jane Bond: Scaling the Ladder

Agent Jane Bond is on the case, uncovering the mystery of bond laddering.

Global and International Funds

Investors seeking world investments can choose between global and international funds. What's the difference?

Bridging the Confidence Gap

In the world of finance, the effects of the "confidence gap" can be especially apparent.

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